Philips Defibrillators
Built on a platform of proven ease-of-use, the Philips defibrillators are conveniently small and lightweight. Philips is the number one manufacturer of AEDs and trusted by medical and rescue professionals. Using a clear, simple 1-2-3 interface, Philips AEDs are equipped to direct you through the resuscitation of a SCA victim.
Philips AEDs feature:
Philips AEDs feature:
- A weight of only 3.3 - 3.5lbs for easy carrying
- Clear, calm voice commands and descriptive visual icons
- A reminder to call emergency medical services after use
- Flashing icons and Quick Refernce Guide when voice instruction is a challenge
- Compatibility with advanced defibrillators to ensure continuity of care
Available from Heartquest: