Philips Defibrillators

Built on a platform of proven ease-of-use, the Philips defibrillators are conveniently small and lightweight. Philips is the number one manufacturer of AEDs and trusted by medical and rescue professionals. Using a clear, simple 1-2-3 interface, Philips AEDs are equipped to direct you through the resuscitation of a SCA victim.

Philips AEDs feature:
  • A weight of only 3.3 - 3.5lbs for easy carrying
  • Clear, calm voice commands and descriptive visual icons
  • A reminder to call emergency medical services after use
  • Flashing icons and Quick Refernce Guide when voice instruction is a challenge
  • Compatibility with advanced defibrillators to ensure continuity of care
Don't hesitate to contact us so you can learn more about these systems. We will come to your site for education, evaluation, deployment and management of your AED system.

Available from Heartquest:

Philips HeartStart FRx